Friday, December 11, 2015

Starting the Year Off Right!

Its my birthday! I turn 36 today.  The number 18 in Jewish tradition is important as it symbolizes Chai: (Life)and traditionally significant/spiritual numbers in Judaism come in multiples of Chai (18), so at 36, I am double chai. Didn't follow that? don't worry about it!(You can click Here for some more info on Chai if you are interested).

In any case, today I am double chai--and, as I'm a big believer in living with intention, I plan to start my double chai, 36th year in the way that I want to live the whole year long.

Here are my intentions (plus one gift for you!) on my 36th birthday:

1. Spending quality time with my family.  I love them so much.  I remember this always, even if I'm sometimes a bit louder about other things.

Today, and every day, I want to appreciate them, and love them, and just be grateful that these amazing, crazy people are in my life.  

2. Making more time with friends.  With little ones and work and being so busy all the time, its easy to forget to make time with and for friends.  My kids are getting bigger, my work is streamlining (in some ways), and there is no more room for excuses.  I will be seeing friends this weekend (yay!) and will make more time during the year.

shoot--I have no good recent pics with my friends~  this is very telling.  I will  fix that in the current year. 

3. Creativity! Ive committed to being in my studio every day this year, and on this weekend, I want to put what I make out into the world.  36% off everything in my store.  use the code  bday36  at


4. Me time!  I'm getting a pedicure! and I might buy myself a sweater.

That's it for today! I'm off to enjoy my day.  I hope you have a wonderful day too!  don't forget to use code bday36 in my etsy store this weekend for 36% off EVERYTHING!

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